As a jazz journalist, James Hale has written extensively for DownBeat, Signal To Noise, Coda, Words & Music, The Ottawa Citizen, Planet Jazz and The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. His work has also appeared in Jazziz, Pulse!, Modern Drummer, The Jazz Report, and RhythmMusic. He is a co-author of The Billboard Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz & Blues, published in 2005.
For eight years, James Hale was co-host/producer of a weekly radio program on jazz. He has produced documentary items on music for CBC Radio, and is a frequent commentator on jazz and popular culture on radio and TV, and at major international jazz festivals. In 2007, he was one of a select group of international journalists invited to speak at a global colloquium on jazz at Columbia University.
Visit my jazz blog, Jazz Chronicles.
(Left) James Hale and bandleader Maria Schneider at a panel discussion at the Ottawa International Jazz Festival, and (right) in Spain, reporting on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival for DownBeat magazine.